Great food, great location! Here are some images from our film shoot in San Fran’s Chinatown for our upcoming film “Finding Courage” we thought we’d share. Enjoy!
In filming “Finding Courage,” Yifei told us that the “Dragon’s Gate” in San Francisco’s Chinatown was the closest she could ever get to feeling like being at home in China now. The Chinese Communist Party would no doubt arrest her or worse the moment she stepped back in China.
The “Dragon’s Gate,” a famous San Francisco icon is the entryway to the largest Chinatown in the world outside of China.
Yifei and her family often would do their Falun Gong exercises near the “Dragon’s Gate.” They hand out flyers exposing the persecution of Falun Gong still going on to passers-by and tourists from mainland China. Due to the relentless propaganda campaigns the Chinese Communist Party waged against Falun Gong, Yifei is sometimes threatened by Chinese tourists who shout anti-Falun Gong slogans at her.
Starting during the Han dynasty in China, lion statues were carved to protect temples and safeguard the Dharma, or Buddhist teachings within. Now they are popular ornaments that decorate entrances to shops and civic buildings. Here is a lion statue at the base of the “Dragon’s Gate” in Chinatown in San Francisco.
Beautiful lantern next to the “Dragon’s Gate.”
Yifei’s brother Leo, his wife Sophia, and their son Martin enjoying a trolley ride through San Francisco.