Neat graphic design made by the Students for Falun Gong organization for their screenings.
The Students for Falun Gong organization recently held two screenings of “Finding Courage” with Director of the film, Kay Rubacek giving a Q&A after. There were over 200 attendees between the two screenings.
Those in attendance asked some really great questions and were touched by the film. We are very thankful to Students for Falun Gong for hosting the events and sharing this story. Below is some of the feedback we received from the audience about the film.
Students for Falun Gong website:
Debbie O'Keefe
”Thank you for the movie - I was in tears most of the time.”
”This documentary will change the mindset of the current and future generations. It is a wake-up call to observe reality as it is and define our actions accordingly. Thank you for such an impactful piece of work.”
Chloe Phong
”My family escaped the CCP back in the 1900s to come to Vietnam, and when they came to Vietnam, they ran from North Vietnam to South Vietnam to escape the Vietnamese Communist Party again. Now we are living in the U.S so I am able to connect with your story a lot! Thanks for making such an inspirational movie!”
”This movie is so touching, thank you so much for making it for us.”
”The movie was so touching... I cried so many times while watching it. Thank you for making this.”
Jen Hobbs
”Finding Courage has opened my eyes and heart to the Falun Gong beautiful practitioners! Thank you for this heartrending and courageous film.”
Peter Li
”Thank you so much for being here and making this film!”
”Thank you for this tremendously moving and important film. Well done.”